Our 4th year running!

Sunday, January 16,  10:00AM-2:00PM

For many people the new year is just another date, nothing changes except the calendar. For others, it can feel like possibility, that something new can take shape in their lives. What do you see for yourself in 2022? How will you get there?

Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, do, or have in our lives. But they remain just that: fleeting. After all, who has the time to intentionally get clear about what we want to create? Yet, not getting clear leads us to feeling anxious, depressed, or wondering what am I doing with my life?

As someone who has made my own Vision Boards (and manifested some amazing results!), I've learned it is more than just slapping a picture on to a poster board. It is about first getting clear on your authentic life, letting go of what's in the way and then clearly connecting with your dreams while designing a vision that calls to you.

This isn’t just about making this board and sticking it somewhere to look at. This is about getting intentional and taking action to move yourself forward so that when 2023 comes, you recognize you have propelled yourself to a new level in your life.

This year as we are mindful of how quickly things can change we are starting by introducing our MANIFEST YOUR VISION SERIES for 2021 as a way to create the space you need to intentionally define your dreams and create a Vision Board and action plan that will attract your ideal outcomes to you!

Here is what you will get:

  • You will receive an exercise prior to the first workshop to get those ideas flowing

  • Clarity on what you really want

  • Space and time to map out your ideal outcomes in each area of your life (we will do a bit of journaling here)

  • Connection with like-minded peers

  • A method to clear out the natural "gunk" that arises (guided meditation time)

  • We will be creating digital Vision Boards that you can keep on your phone, tablet, or computer OR ALL 3!!

  • A plan to start next steps


I can remember a time that I would do a Vision Board, had a lot of fun and then put it somewhere, never looking at it again till the next year when I was going to do another one and reminisced about what was on my board but never accomplished.

I realized that I needed more than that and so I started using my Vision Board as a reminder of what I planned to accomplish. It was a tangible accountability reminder. I reviewed it frequently and I broke down the goals into steps to accomplish in 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. This workshop will help you do the same thing.

This workshop will be held online via Zoom

The total cost for this workshop is $60.